All of our shipments include Tracking with Delivery Confirmation. If the tracking information confirms that the item has been delivered to your order address but you have not received your order, please contact USPS or file a claim here in order to investigate this issue. We cannot be held accountable for packages where tracking information states the package has been delivered to your order address. If you suspect that your package has been stolen, please contact the proper authorities.


  • For purchases that have been serviced in person, such as tried on items or clothing, only exchanges are allowed within 10 days of purchase.
  • All sales are final for Tights, Makeup, Rhinestones, and Foot care.
  • All sales on bespoke, special order shoes, and clothing are final and are not returnable.
  • The customer is responsible for the cost of shipping the return back to VEdance LLC.

There are two return policies specified by the item purchased.
  • Standard Returns
  • No returns
Standard Return Policy
  • For none customizable orders, most items follow the standard return policy, unless specified by the specific items.
  • You have 10 days to return your order and submit return tracking via your account in order to receive full refunds excluding shipping.
  • Orders returned after 10 days post delivery are subject to a 15% restocking fee.
  • You must return the order in its original condition along with all supporting materials such as boxes, bags, and accessories if applicable.
  • You must print and post the return receipt with your order.
  • Altered products such as hemmed pants, are not returnable or exchangable.
  • Your refunds will be in the forms of Credit. This credit can be used for your future purchases, or it can also be withdrawn for cash via paypal payments, or check by mail.

No return policy

Customized orders, including fittings such as wide or narrow, off competitior colors(shades of tan) such as white, black, red, etc are not valid for returns or exchanges.

Some customized garments are eligible to receive alteration credit for up to 10% of the cost of the product. Proof of alteration cost must be provided inorder to receive this credit.

Exceptions can be made on an individual bases.


1. Locate the item in your order history that you would like to return

2. Under the order item details page, locate the return order link.

3. In order to process your returns in a timely fashion, you must enter a return tracking number and your reason for return to be registered with our system.

4.Once your return is delivered and accepted, the refund will be credited to your account in the terms of Credit.

You will be able to check this balance in your balance account and may use it for future purchases or withdraw via check or paypal transfer.


  • Reward Points
    Reward points can not be withdrawn for cash and are non-transferable. They can be used to purchase items on this site. Points can be gained via certain activities such as writing a review after a complete purchase.
  • E-Gift Cards
    Gift cards can be bought for a third party identifiable via their email. Gift card balances can not be withdrawn for cash and are non-transferable. The balance must be confirmed in your account balances before you may use it for purchases on this site.
  • Credit
    Refunds, alteration credits, and approved return shipping reimbursement are processed via Credits. Credits can be withdrawn for cash via paypal or check and must be withdrawn via your account balance. Credits are non-transferable and can be used for purchases on this site. Online referral completed purchases are credited towards your Credit balance. You may view your Credit activities via your account balance.